Ringworm and ringworm are one of the familiar skin diseases.
However, many people have prolonged symptoms or repeated recurrences.
Therefore, the selection of the appropriate drug becomes important.
Ringworm pathology
Ringworm and ringworm are medically called "ringworm".
Ringworm is a disease caused by dermatophytes, a type of fungus, that infect the skin such as the stratum corneum.
Ringworm has a strong image of itching, but the actual symptoms include thickening of the skin, cracks, blisters, and scales that peel off the skin like a piece of paper.
And the symptoms vary depending on the type of ringworm.
The most prone period is when it is hot, damp and humid.
Therefore, many ringworms show seasonal fluctuations.
There are three types of genus that cause tinea, called "dermatophytes".
Dermatophytes and Trichophyton are used as synonyms because about 90% of the causative bacteria are due to the genus Trichophyton.
The site of infection is deep in the stratum corneum on the surface of the skin.
And it uses keratin, which is abundant in the stratum corneum, as a nutrient source.
Because it likes hot and humid conditions, it becomes active during the hot and humid season.
Skin structure and ringworm

The skin consists of three layers from the outside: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis.
Furthermore, the epidermis is divided into four layers from the stratum corneum to the basal layer.
The cells in the basal layer gradually push up to the surface and change, eventually becoming keratinocytes.
Eventually, it becomes dirt and peels off the surface of the body.
In this way, the skin is constantly reborn, so-called turnover.
This period is usually about one month, but it takes about three months because the skin on the soles of the feet is thick.
Ringworm invades deep into this stratum corneum.
The stratum corneum, which is high in keratin, is especially abundant in the soles of the feet, palms, nails, and hair.
Therefore, ringworm is more likely to develop in these areas.
Establishment until infection
Ringworm remains alive in the stratum corneum and dirt that have peeled off from the affected area due to skin turnover.
Ringworm usually does not spread immediately when it adheres to other parts of the body or to the skin of another person.
Therefore, usually, if the skin is always cleaned, the attached ringworm can easily fall off the skin and the infection cannot be established.
However, if the fungus is left attached for 1 to 2 days or more, the ringworm will invade the skin and the infection will be established.
People who are prone to ringworm have a high body temperature in the environment where they wear shoes for a long time, sweaty hallux valgus, and a lot of sex hormones that are stuck to the toes, such as oiliness.
In addition, people with weakened immunity due to diabetes, peripheral circulatory disorders or immunodeficiency are always vulnerable to infection.
In addition, many people share things such as bath mats and slippers, and many people barefoot in bathrooms and gymnasiums.
In places where you walk around, ringworm can easily get on your skin and trigger infection.
Ringworm infection site

Ringworm is divided into tinea capitis, tinea corporis, tinea corporis, tinea corporis, tinea corporis, tinea corporis, and tinea corporis, depending on the site of infection.
Let's start with tinea pedis,
Tinea pedis
which has the highest number of patients. Athlete's foot is classified into interdigital, vesicular, and hyperkeratotic types. There are two types of interdigital type, the wet type and the dry type, and the wet type is common. In the moist type, sores and swelling, and white, swelling and peeled skin (scales) can be seen. It is also prone to secondary bacterial infections and may be purulent.
In the dry type, dry fixed scales are seen.
The vesicular type is most common on the arch, heel, and sides of the foot. Small blisters with mild redness, dotted or overlapping, often with strong itching. The lumps dry in about a week, peel off, and then new lumps form in other parts and gradually spread.
The hyperkeratotic type can be formed on the entire sole of the foot, centering on the heel. The skin on the soles of the feet is hard and thick, touches rough, and produces fine scales. There is almost no itch. It can cause cracks and cracks, and when it gets worse, it is painful, but no small blisters or sores are observed.
Also, unlike other ringworms, the symptoms do not change much with the seasons.
The hyperkeratosis type is difficult to cure, and if the symptoms are severe, oral medical treatment is required.
Ringworm often develops in one hand and is often associated with tinea pedis. Also, like tinea pedis, there are interdigital, vesicular and hyperkeratotic types. It is said to be easier to cure than tinea pedis, but like tinea pedis, it may require oral medical treatment.
Tinea corporis
Tinea corporis (ringworm, tinea corporis) may have erythema spreading in a ring and a normal skin appearance in the center.
The margins of the erythema are often accompanied by itching, with slightly raised papules, blisters, and scales.
Be careful if you have a pet, as it can be transmitted from dogs and cats.
Ringworm may have strong symptoms on the tip of the nail.
The nails become cloudy, yellow or white, and lose their transparency.
The surface may be rough, brittle, or thickened.
With our topical drugs, we cannot expect any effect, and we need topical drugs that require internal medicine or prescription.
Tinea capitis
Tinea capitis occurs when the tinea capitis parasitizes deep inside the hair follicles of the hair on the head.
Most people with tinea capitis are infants and children, and more recently, they are found in judoka.
A circular hair loss lesion with a clear boundary is formed, and hair can be easily removed without pain or resistance.
The rash is dry and has scales.
In addition, it is characterized by less inflammation.
Tinea capitis can be exacerbated by the use of topical agents and requires oral prescription medication.
What is ringworm? Continued from (2)